Thursday, April 14, 2011

CWS & the blog creating class

Hello all and welcome to Lusia's Lectures my Blog :D this blog is about my blogging class at CWS teacher Miss Laylah Lecker. In this class we learned how to:
➤ How to create a blog: step by step guidance
➤ Blog gadgets
➤ Writing blog posts and connecting with readers
➤ How to upload a sl picture to blog
All of these helpful tips to get into blogging thank you Miss Laylah <3
Also we learned that if we ever need  theripy that we could calll on her shes certified in sl :D as a pro shrink.
I'm not very good at creating a blog yet but im sure the more i go on the better i get , because to me this was my most dreded class and homework assignment and look at me im getting into it i guess when you start writing the words just come to you. i know my typing is bad and punctuation sucks but this is supposed to be my first one even though i kina got an event down before this one lol :D but i will get better i m sure


  1. LOL...yes that is Dr. Laylah next time I see you ;) Great job so far and keep up the good work!

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